Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Best

For some reason I thought of my brother Jay after I took this. This looks like something he would do.

Lore wasn't interested in being photographed in her Sunday best.

That's better! She just needed to change out of that itchy dress (I think Eric holding a Popsicle may have had something to do with it too :-)


Lori Ann said...

Lorelai's hair is getting so long!

Anonymous said...

I can not believe how tall Lor is getting. Tell her Happy birthday and to watch the mail later next week for her birthday present.

Jay said...

I love the shorts & shirt & tie look, the Bishop asked me to dress more appropriately when I wore it last week though. He said something about being an example to my primary class. I don't know.

I can't believe how tall Lorelai is getting.