Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New water toys at the park

You might think it's too cold for playing outside in the sprinklers, but the city of Gardendale doesn't! They just opened an awesome new splash pad in Celebration Park. The first week it was open it was just too chilly, but this week it has been in the high 80's so we loaded up the kids and went to check it out. Lore got cold quick and dried off to play with friends on the regular park toys, but the boys toughed it out. I don't know that we'll go much more this fall, but I see some fun summer days ahead! I thought the Sprayola crayon was especially funny.

Reid pretty much stuck to the piano because it didn't get his face wet. In addition, when you covered up a spout it made a sound! He couldn't quite figure it out, but he loved it when it happened!
The blue sprinklers are activators. If the water is off you just run your hand over the black part and a few seconds later the water appears! It's like magic!


Sherilyn and Donovan said...

Yeah taht is so much fun, Sadie was a little cold though after about 5 minutes.

Lori Ann said...

Next time I come we will have to go there, it looks like so much fun!

Miriam said...

Wow, that looks like so much fun.
Is it attached to the back side of the regular playground? I'm trying to picture it in my mind.

Tricia said...

Yes. It's just West(I think; it's hard to remember without mountains) of the playground. If you look in the background of Evan's picture you will see the building with the bathrooms next to the soccer field. I'll have to take more pictures so you can see it all together. It's awesome.

Young Baldwin said...

Ok so funny story I actually played on that!Maggie and Adrian were scared to play but wanted to. Claire,Albert,and Brittany could not get them to play.Claire asked them how she could get them to play and they said, "Get Orla to with me!" So I was like 4 feet taller than all the little kids there.Speaking of feeling out of place.