Thursday, June 26, 2008

Financially Responsible

Those of you who know me well know that my finances, food storage, etc. are not always in the great condition that they should be. I know the prophets have been warning us for decades, but sometimes I have to hear things in a new way to sit up and pay attention. After I read an article about a book, "America is in Danger", I got the shivers. I'm not saying doomsday is upon us, but I am saying the signs are happening now. You can go to Meridian Magazine and check it out.

After reading this article I feel a little guilty and a lot more resolve. Ironically, I was checking on flights to Utah the same time I was reading this article. We are missing our family and friends and I thought it would be so nice to go to the family reunions this year. Unfortunately, we aren't prepared to buy the tickets with cash so we decided not to do buy them. We are sad for now, but happy for the future. I guess it's time to hop off my soapbox now. Wish us luck!


Bill said...

Obviously it's a family thing. Raini & I are in the same boat. On a side note funny quotes you have there. I think I will steal that idea from you Randi asked the other day if Jesus liked marshmallows. She then proceeded to tell Raini that she thought he did because marshmallow are great especially w/chocolate on them.

Anonymous said...

We have really buckled down and started to get our food storage in order. I have been having shivers for a while. I have a great program. Once I find it I will send it to you. It is great for getting everything for everyone. We miss you too!

Lori Ann said...

You are amazing and I think you are way more financially responsible than I have been lately. The little grasshopper teaching the big one!

Miriam said...

I'm so grateful to start our food storage.
I know we will be a little slow to start because we have to get rid of the school debts at the same time, but every little bit helps.
I'll have to check out the magazine.