Monday, April 27, 2009

Soccer Mom

I am a soccer mom and proud of it! Here are some pictures from the kids first games on Saturday. Lorelai had so much fun running after the ball and playing with all the kids. Somehow she ended up with a jersey the same size as Evan's, but we still think she looks cute!

The throw in.

I just thought this one was funny. You can see that Lore threw it straight at the little boy who is not paying attention. I love three-year-old soccer!

Check out the guy in the background. I came home from UT to meet my new mustache man.

After Lorelai's game I had to run to the Primary Activity, but Eric took lots of pictures and said Evan did great. I guess the ball just kept on coming to Evan.

Phew! It was hot!

Evan is an expert thrower although he hasn't learned that front flip throw-in the pro soccer players can do. Maybe next year. ;-)

Good job buddy!


Young Baldwin said...

You know, I do make a pretty good personal trainer.... I used to be able to the flipping throw in perfectly *no pun intended* until I messed up my knee. However, I'm almost to the point where my knee can take that kind of pressure. Let me know if they any help. They'll be pros in no time!!!

Jay said...

Nate can teach him the front flip throw in we've been working on it, & it's only against the rules to push if you get caught lol.

Sherilyn and Donovan said...

Very cute, I didn't know that Lore was playing also. She is so cute!!