Monday, April 20, 2009

Ode to Eric

Does anyone have a better husband than mine? He let me leave him alone for two weeks and he bought me a new, awesome phone after I washed mine in the laundry. Eric is a great provider and somehow manages to hang on while I'm a crazy pregnant lady. Here are a few pics from the camera on my new Palm Treo. Thanks Honey!

This is Lori with my cute nephew Xander on the Frontrunner.

Reid draws up the plans...

and Lorelai builds it. Aren't they a good team?


Lori Ann said...

Eric is great for letting you come, and your new phone is awesome! Thanks Eric! These pics from your phone are great, and super cute!

Melissa Hodgen said...

Oh, you washed your phone. How aweful. But remember, you'll have this baby soon and your brain will magically reset.