Saturday, October 25, 2008

New monitor

Here's our latest setup. Our home computer still works fine, but since Eric's laptop screen is broken (Evan dropped it on the ground accidentally) Eric has been plugging the laptop into our new monitor. It's a little silly, but I love it. Our laptop is so much faster than our home computer and I can watch shows online without waiting for my computer to catch up with the video stream.
ANYWAY! The point of this post is to show off my new wide screen computer monitor. Nothing fancy, it's very simple, but I love it and thanks to some "value sharing" we were able to buy it and finally return our neighbors monitor that we have had for a few months now. Hooray!


Lori Ann said...

It's so pretty! I love being able to watch shows on the computer. It makes cooking dinner so much more pleasant.

The Sharp's (mostly Mindy) said...

Hey you guys. How are things? Your mom brought me your address today so I thought that i would just say hi.

dishka said...

Ok, I don't know if I can even show Joe the picure. That poor laptop! But yay for being able to put it to use still.

Steve said...

I'm glad I could at least tell you how to do that since my play to repair the laptop hasn't come together yet.

Love ya,