Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hernia Schmernia!

My poor Reid had to have surgery for  his umbilical hernia! He was pretty nervous when he first found out, but by the time we got to the hospital the morning of he was his usual silly self!

 We had to wait a LONG time...

 Since we don't have Disney Channel or Nickelodeon at home Reid was in TV heaven! 

 Prepped and ready to go! 

 Since he had to wait an extra hour one of the nurses brought him a present! He had as much fun looking at the box as he did playing with the characters. Such an imagination! 

 No pictures of us waiting! I swear that was such a long hour! Just one hour, but it felt like forever. 

Here is Reid after he woke up and had recovered a little! Surgery might be worth it for all the Popsicle's! 

He was such a little tough guy! He stayed quiet for a day or two and then went back to life with his usual zeal! One week later he's ready to go back to gym, ride his bike, and eat all his Halloween candy! 

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