Sunday, September 23, 2012

Two Years Ago...

Two years ago I went into a fabric store. Have you ever been to a fabric store? It's fun... and overwhelming! So many fabrics and books and patterns! So many possibilities. I had the most beautiful pattern and I spent a ton of money on fabric to make an awesome Easter dress for Lorelai. When I got home, I opened the pattern and was immediately overwhelmed by the instructions. It was too much. I didn't know how to do it! So I put it away... for TWO YEARS! I had quite a few sewing projects during that time. Each one challenging in it's own way. Each project made me better and better until I was finally ready and able to try again! I decided it had to be finished by the Primary Program and it was! Well... mostly... (Don't look at the sleeves too carefully. I may have used a safety pin to make it the right size!) The end of the story is this: don't give up. Keep going because you never know when the impossible will be within reach.

Here is one of Reid because he's just that awesome!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

That is an amazing dress! Way to go..that gives me hope