Friday, October 15, 2010

My big 7 year old

My handsome boy is SEVEN! I have a whole year to rhyme about Evan from heaven being seven! :)
So, what about my little angel? Evan has a wonderful innocence about him. He is so smart and is constantly doing things that leave me stunned. He is in the top reading group at school, and rarely comes home with less than 100% on his papers. Evan loves his teacher and she has really been fantastic for him. His first report card was perfect! Here is some of the work that Evan is particularly proud of.

Evan has also been getting better and better at tae kwon do. He is now a green belt and will begin sparing at the end of this month. It is so cool to see him shouting out answers and learning new things. He loves to show everyone his double knife hand and various other cool things.

Here are a few of my favorite pics of my little angel. I don't know what I'd do without him.
My handsome boy with my handsome baby. He's such a good brother!
So brave.

1 comment:

Lori Ann said...

Evan is amazing! He's growing up so fast, but I'm glad Xander has a great boy like him to look up to.