Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer do's

Evan has been asking to shave his hair for the last few months. I told him once school got out he could cut it as short as he wanted. So here we go!
After: It's as short as it can be! He was VERY happy!
Glitter girls. Lorelai decided we needed some sparkles in our hair :)

Here is proof that I did Lorelai's hair at least once this summer.


Sherilyn and Donovan said...

Very cute hair!!

Kourtne said...

I saw your mom yesterday and it was SO fun to hear about you and your family! I do stalk you on your blog, and think you guys all look so cute. I'm totally impressed with the braids. I've got a lot to learn, luckily my little girl is still almost bald. :) It's fun to keep in touch.