Sunday, August 2, 2009

Holey Ears, Lorelai!

That's right, my little girl has holes in her ears! I told Lore she could get her ears pierced after her 4th birthday. We talked beforehand about the responsibility (cleaning them every day, etc.) and she still wanted to do it so Wednesday (while Eric was home) we went over to Claire's and she picked out her sparkly blue earrings. Lore was very brave and although she looked a little scared she didn't back out. Why do they keep getting older and older? If I blink we're going to be picking out prom dresses!


dishka said...

YAY! She looks adorable! Great job Lorelai! (and mom)

Sherilyn and Donovan said...

Savannah said that she is going to get her ears pierced now that she saw Lore with hers done!!

Young Baldwin said...

Not only that but when she starts blinking too. I'm noticing that I'm blinking as well! Wasn't it yesterday I started Kindergarten and speaking it's gonna fly. Hold on to Evan. Before you or he knows it he'll be a freshman in high school. For now, I have to hold my eyes open next I blink I'll be a freshman again... IN COLLEGE!

hoLLY said...

so cute! she looks just like her mommy!

Araksya Kennard said...

She is a beautiful girl and has the most beautiful smile!

brit said...

what a big girl!

and don't say prom dresses! i just saw our lives flash by . . .