Friday, November 14, 2008

DeSoto Cavern's

More fun with Grandma Beth and Grandpa Dave! We had a blast at DeSoto Caverns. It's about an hour from our house, but we've never been. They have a lot of fun things to do (and even more fun things during the summer). The best thing about going in November? No lines! We got our own private tour, and we did the other activities at our leisure. There were too many picture to post individually so I did a collage.

The cave was pretty amazing. They used to make gun powder in the cave during the civil war (?) and you can see where they tested it. Poor stalactites! And I finally learned how to remember which is a stalactite and which is a stalagmite. I can't remember the rhyme for stalagmite, but stalactites cling tight to the ceiling. So there is your lesson for the day. ;-)


Lori Ann said...

Wow! That looks like fun. We are so boring here in IF. Isn't it silly though how sometimes it takes visitors to go and do fun stuff? The collages are cool, what a fun way to show off all of your pictures.

Bill said...

That looks awesome.

hoLLY said...

way cute pics!