Wednesday, March 17, 2010


There are so many little milestones at this age! It's so hard to keep up. My little baby is practically a toddler! His first word was Da da. I have accepted defeat 3-1. He also says "hey" and has started shaking his head no. At first I thought it was a mistake because none of the other kids did it, but he has done it multiple times now so I guess he just caught on quick! Here is a snapshot of Logan's month!

Here he is (almost 7 months) showing off how well he sits and trying to eat his weight in newspaper. Notice the little piece of paper on his chin.
Logan and Eeyore eating his first Mum mum! Whoever made these things was a genius. They dissolve quickly and don't make a mess.
I just realized that most of these pictures involve food. Here is Logan with some plain toast. He snatched it right out of my hands. I can't believe it. He's only 7 months old and he is already stealing my food.
He is just so happy when food is involved! This was the result of me taking a shower while Logan was awake. Reid climbed on the counter and got the chocolate chips out of a top cupboard. He was feeling generous and shared with his baby brother. I have to keep reminding myself that millions of children have survived older siblings.
Posing in his Winnie the Pooh outfit.
Playing peek-a-boo (8 months old) in his 12 month clothes! They never stop growing!


Steve and Katie said...

He is so cute! I can't believe they are almost a year old! Time flies by way too fast. Kimball's first word was Da-Da too. I keep reminding myself its a good thing I have a husband that my children adore!

hoLLY said...

I cant believe he is 7 months already! he is a doll! and he looks so much like you!!!

aLi said...

My memory tells me that you just barely announced that you were having a baby. Ok, maybe that you had him. He looks pretty happy from those choc chips. Funny picture!

Lori Ann said...

Oh Logan, sweet Logan. How I miss you! He's growing up so fast. Such a cute little man.

Miriam said...

Hey......He is so cute. You guys have cute kids and just need to have a million more!

Araksya Kennard said...

I love all of the pictures. He looks so adorable. I love his Winnie the Pooh outfit a lot! You have great kids!

Blake and Courtney said...

Adorable. Zach is doing many similar things! We think he is saying Mama but can't really classify it just yet. And he started crawling last week so our house is about to change drastically! Oh and will you email me what these Mum Mums are? Never heard of them. But Zach would much rather have snacks than anything else so I would love to know. :)

The Sharp's (mostly Mindy) said...

Cute he is getting big fast it is sad how fast they grow!