Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Enjoying Christmas

Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying their Christmas presents!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


What can I say? Christmas was awesome this year. It is so fantastic watching the magic of Christmas through a child's eyes. Here are the kids on Christmas Eve all ready to go dream about sugar plums...

The tree after Santa got to it, but before we let the kids in. They were so spoiled this year!
Logan in his new high chair trying to make sense of a new toy.
Eric was more than a little excited about his new game.
Reid was thrilled with all his cars.
Evan's haul. His favorite prize... Runner the hamster!
Lorelai's presents
Reid couldn't be bothered with looking at the camera. His favorite toy was a tie between his microphone and Bolt.
Christmas Pajama's from Grandma! Merry Christmas!

Kids Christmas Party

The kids had a late Christmas party this year! Great friends and good food made our day!
Swapping Christmas presents!

Eric came up with a race for the kids. Pete and Emma did a great job! Everyone had so much fun watching the kids try to decorate their own tree in record time.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The Christmas presents are starting to arrive! This package was almost as tall as Lorelai.
My little Rudolph.
The cutest reindeer around!
Reid wanted to help me out and make dinner for me. He decided to make soup and corn muffins. I opened cans and put the muffins in the oven, but other than that, Reid did it all!
Dishing it up...
Time to eat!
He did a great job and the food was great!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Trip

Wow. I am so behind. Here is a quick recap of our trip to Utah!
Logan's first flight! He was AWESOME. He only cried once and we were so lucky that he got to take his car seat on the plane.

Reid thought he was such a big boy with his back pack.Just chillin' in Reid's car seat.

Evan had all his silly bands on for display. He even gave me a couple to wear. I feel so trendy.Eric was honored to confirm our neice a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on his birthday. We love Maya so much and we are so glad she waited for us to come!
After the baptism we went for Olsen family pictures which was great (it also explains the matching shirts). Then we went to Randy and Shannon's new house. Eric got to spend his birthday doing exactly what he loves, playing games with his family and eating pizza and red vines.
I even made him a Rice Crispie cake to celebrate his last year as a 20-something.
Playing in the snow...

I know this is random, but my mom has the coolest apple slicer EVER! Lorelai helped.
Evan showing off his apple
We also got to go up to Idaho and went out to eat with Lori's family and my cousin Jimmy. I haven't seen Jimmy in years and it was so great to catch up and see his adorable family. The kids were all enamored with the Christmas tree at the restaurant.
Last, but not least... Christmas crafts with Grandma Nettie!

Thanks to everyone for everything. We had so much fun and miss everyone so much. A special thanks to Dave and Beth for the plane tickets. Love you guys!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our costumes

Yes I know it is the middle of November, but I never got to post my Halloween costume pictures this year! Thanks to Jessica for taking pictures for me at Trunk or Treat!
The whole crew.
Eric had a line as usual. Who needs candy when you can get a balloon? (Also, notice the side view of Reid's Raggedy Andy costume)
Check out Chelsea's blog to see the costumes I made! (My Mom helped too) I'm always glad to have a reason to practice sewing. I only get better when I practice!

My Super kids
Raggedy Andy from the back. I had to unpick the pants twice because I kept sewing them wrong, but it was totally worth it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Last month flew by so fast! And this month seems to be doing the same thing. Here are a few highlights from October!
Lorelai's cool hair...
and Mom's cool hair... (done by Lorelai)
Evan had his Halloween party at school. I think he had a blast and he was so careful not to rub his cheek so that his spooky ghost would stay put!
Carving jack-o-lanterns. Logan thought it was all very interesting. Evan did a great job poking his pattern into the pumpkin.
Lorelai did her first design free hand. It was a very cute ghost.
This was all Lorelai. The other design (shown up top) was done by me under her direction. She really used everything she could find for decorating.Pardon my naked children, but they all had their silly mouths in at the same time!
A perfect fall day. Perfect for falling in the mud :)